'Integral Lens' paper submitted at the Integral European Conference 2018
It is my honor to submit at the 3rd Integral European Conference the paper I co-authored with prof. Mark DeKay 'Integral Lens - exploring a multi-perspectival approach to architectural photography'. A 15.800 words 46 pages article accepted for the academic track of the conference.
The full program of the IEC 2018 can be viewed here:
The conference will take place between May 23rd and 27th in Siofok Hungary. Our thanks to the organisers for the selection.
I want to express my gratitude to Mark for his steadfast support and insightful collaboration. I couldn't have hoped for a better supervisor for my Fulbright 'Integral Lens' project and the paper wouldn't have been the same without him.
Below I include the abstract:
"In this paper we explore an integrally-informed, Wilber-influenced approach to architectural photography’s many variations. Using historical examples, we examine four fundamental perspectives (quadrants) of the eye (UL), view (LL), frame (UR) and practice (LR). Each quadratic perspective is unpacked for four domains: the photographer, making of the photograph, the photograph itself and viewing the photograph.
We consider the development of architectural photography using examples across worldviews from traditional, modern, postmodern and integral. Levels and Quadrants are intersected to reveal sixteen “Lenses” and the concerns of each. We define integral photographic Types, focusing on the distinctions of documentary, editorial and expressive forms. These various integral framing elements are combined in different ways to explain major movements and schools, illustrated with examples.
We conclude with a summary of Karatzas’s “Integral Lens” project and define integrally-informed architectural photography with themes and examples. An integrally-informed photography is multi-perspectival and views the phenomena of both architecture and photography from the standpoint of Self, Culture and Nature. The integral photographer can inhabit all of these, shifting from an aesthetic perspective, to a symbolic interpretation, to an empirical and calculated view of its subjects."
(The complete pdf will be available in the coming weeks).
The first phase of this work was kick-started with Fulbright’s Artist Scholarship Award and the ‘Integral Lens’ project in United States between October 2015 and March 2016. The second phase included the editing period of the material collected and the publication of three volumes from this photo journey (March 2016 to October 2017). The third phase (October 2017 to present) includes the writing of this paper and further collaborations with prof. DeKay and the College of Architecture and Design of the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, to be announced later this year.