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Latest interview with photographer Laurian Ghinitoiu

I am pleased to present our latest exclusive interview with photographer Laurian Ghinitoiu on

"Laurian Ghinițoiu was born in Romania where he also received his training in architecture. Moving to Germany he completed his Masters in 2014 at Dessau International Architecture (DIA) and worked for two years. Soon after he shifted his focus on photography as an instrument for the documentation of architecture and travelling around the world for self-initiated projects and commissioned assignments. In a span of a few years his images have received distinctions in international architecture photography competitions such as Arcaid Awards (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018); Sony Awards (2016; and the Architecture Photography Awards (2017, 2018); and published on Architectural Record, Phaidon, Domus, A+U, among others. He is also teaching photography seminars at the DIA and workshops in architecture schools, and co-founded another: with filmmaker Arata Mori. His approach patiently searches for visual and decisive moments where the designed and informal elements of the built environment coexist in an objective yet empathetic gaze. Through this curated selection of images Ghinitoiu takes us on a journey around the world balancing physical and social themes of the contemporary urban landscape."

Full interview and selected works here:

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